Becky Korman

WONDER HOUSE @ SXSW 2023 Talk & Experience:
Friday Night Movie welcomes walk-up visitors for interviews. Sound-off on your favorite films
and shows, play the pod’s signature games, and walk away with killer official swag
Saturday – Tuesday, noon – 5 p.m.
Shai & Becky will be consummate hosts for our Director's Chats with young filmmakers at Movie Night
Tuesday, March 14, 8 p.m.
– midnight
Patio Stage
FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE: Be a part of the podcast!
From everyday fans of movies and TV to critically acclaimed actors, directors, and everyone in between, Friday Night Movie welcomes walk-up visitors for interviews where they will sound-off on their favorite films and shows, play the pod’s signature games, and walk away with killer official swag.
MOVIE NIGHT AT THE WONDER HOUSE: Screening and Director Chat
Shai & Becky will moderate our young director chats.
Becky Korman is the co-creator and co-host of the Friday Night Movie podcast along with her two older siblings, Shai and Lily. Running since 2017 FNM has released hundreds of episodes to date as the siblings record every week come hell or high water. Becky’s day job as a film Producer spans from commercial work for tech giants Apple and Google, to award winning short format and feature documentary films. Her short films have been published by NY Times Op-Docs, The Atlantic, Mother Jones and Field of Vision, with her feature films winning at Tribeca and airing on PBS. Though Becky’s film work often takes a serious tone her favorite movies are the ones with the best ships: Sabrina (1954), Reality Bites, and Say Anything.