Kendra Hyson

Authentic Voices Pt 1: A Conversation on Owning Your Voice and Claiming Space
Saturday, March 12, 11 a.m.
Rooftop Stage
Authentic Voices Pt 2: A Guided Challenge to Own Your Voice and Claim Space
Saturday, March 12, 3 p.m.
Surround Stage
Authentic Voices Pt 1: A Conversation on Owning Your Voice and Claiming Space
Where, through a participatory discussion, we investigate how being your most authentic self can help to shift power dynamics, bring voice to the voiceless, and foster more inclusive approaches to community-based planning, design, and social justice. Information from this session will feed into the immersive exercise at 3p.m.
Authentic Voices Pt 2: A Guided Challenge to Own Your Voice and Claim Space [WATCH ON YOUTUBE]:
Where, through a guided design challenge, we investigate together how being your most authentic self can help to shift power dynamics, bring voice to the voiceless, and foster more inclusive approaches to community-based planning, design, and social justice. This session builds on information from the morning session, but is otherwise independent. We encourage attendance at both.
Kendra Hyson is an Associate Planner and Urban Designer with SmithGroup. Across all projects, she exudes a deep commitment to community-based planning and a passion for using design as a tool to achieve social equity. She continues to demonstrate her commitment to equity and inclusivity in the design process through her work as the Co-Founder and President of the Urban Studio. Kendra along with her partners developed the Urban Studio to support designers of color, working with communities of color, to ensure that all people have the means to create healthy, vibrant, and just communities. She serves on various American Society of Landscape Architects National committees and is an emeritus member of the Landscape Architecture Foundation's Board of Directors. Kendra is a 2015 University Olmsted Scholar for the University of Arizona and is a graduate of their Master of Landscape Architecture program. She also holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Spelman College where she concentrated on environmental installation art.