Jonathan Bean, PhD, CPHC

Solar Decathlon as Catalyst for Innovation
Friday, March 11, 1 p.m.
Rooftop Stage
The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon is a collegiate competition that inspires the next generation of architects and engineers, and has broad implications for how we design climate-responsive housing. Join a leader of successful Solar Decathlon Build Challenge teams to understand the quiet design revolution that could change the way we live to better manage energy and still keep our creature comforts.
Jonathan Bean, PhD, understands processes of market transformation in the building industry through an immersive study of high performance building. His TEDx talk Demand Less describes the potential of high-performance building to reduce carbon emissions. Bean served as the faculty lead for one finalist team in the 2018 Race to Zero Student Design Challenge. He is the faculty leader of several winning and finalist teams in the 2019 Solar Decathlon Design Competition, which helped develop the innovative SunBlock distributed district energy system concept.
Bean is a PHIUS Certified Passive House Consultant and serves on the board of the Passive House Alliance US. Bean is also the scholarship chair for the Society of Building Science Educators. A second stream of Bean's research spans the fields of consumer research, human-computer interaction, architecture, and design with a focus on taste and consumption. Bean has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the National Institute for Transportation and Communities, and others. Bean writes the Consuming Tech column for ACM Interactions magazine and his work on IKEA hacking was featured on an episode of the 99% Invisible podcast.