Autoimmune (multimedia exhibition)

WORK Autoimmune
A non-human entity complicates common understandings of queerness and HIV. With agency over data,
it distorts images from archives and makes them speak. Composed with machine learning processes for
generative video and sound, including deepfakes, the piece explores uncanny relations between
technology, politics, queerness and illness.
ABOUT Marcos Serafim
Marcos Serafim is a Brazilian artist working with audiovisual media across theatrical exhibitions
and installations. His documentary-art praxis explores extreme tensions between data, media,
reality, and representation, proposing critical and philosophical examinations of cultural,
historical, and material relations between technology and minoritized sociopolitical subjects. He
has exhibited work at the 5th and 6th Ghetto Bienalle (Haiti), the Oscar Niemeyer Museum
(Brazil), the EMPAC - Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center and the Queens Museum
(NY). His videos have been screened in film festivals in multiple countries, including the Cine
Esquema Novo (Brazil), doclisboa (Portugal), Courant/Immersity 3D (France), and San Francisco
Cinematheque’s Crossroads (CA). Serafim is currently an Assistant Professor of Photography,
Video, and Imaging at the University of Arizona’s School of Art in Tucson.