Gabe Stultz

Be. Here. Now. Inside a Social Media & Ourselves Podcast, Pt 1
Friday, March 11, 3 p.m.
Rooftop Stage
Be. Here. Now. Inside a Social Media & Ourselves Podcast, Pt 2
Sunday, March 13, 2 p.m.
Rooftop Stage
What does it mean to be “at” an event today? Even when we’re live in person, we’re surrounded by streams of online check-ins and selfies. So what are the sounds, sights, and feels that mean being here together, what are we willing to do to experience them, and how do their digital echoes transform them? Join the iVoices Student Media Lab as we dive into how we do what we do: learning and listening while producing a story-driven episode about the thrill and desperation of being “at” an event like SXSW. Part 1, 3p.m. Friday; Part 2, 3p.m., Sunday.
Gabe Stultz is a witness to and proponent of the power of digital storytelling. Growing up alongside the meteoric rise of video games and social media, he has experienced firsthand the ways in which values and knowledge can be shaped by technology, digital art, and virtual social interactions. A musician primarily, Gabe focuses on technical education with regards to music production, computer science, game design, and radio broadcasting/live streaming. Through iVoices, he learns new skills every day that help him enhance and amplify the stories and voices of others, while using the same skills to cultivate his own voice during his free time. Through his interests of songwriting, student radio, and eSports broadcasting, he exposes himself to as many internet-native/youth culture phenomena as he can. Gabe hopes to make the joy of connecting to others through online communities and a shared love for digital content/content creators more available to and less stigmatized for young people everywhere.