Currents at SXSW

WONDER HOUSE @ SXSW 2022 Experience:
Digital Oasis
Friday–Sunday, March 11–13, 11 a.m.–7 p.m.
Currents compiles a week’s worth of footage at one water spring, captured from four different angles. Activity in this region is fluid and ephemeral, yet cataloguing it forces us to design specific parameters: by species, by date, by camera. Time and space is reorganized.
Rather than observing individual moments, the human eye is encouraged to view patterns and larger systems of passage. This arrangement of footage is curated by both humans and artificial intelligence systems designed to identify and organize species and movements. Not only are we privy to the enhanced vision of the machine eye, but we also catch a glimpse in to the thought process of the machine mind.
Alex Turner combines imaging technologies to highlight sociopolitical and environmental concerns along the U.S./Mexico border. He was awarded the University of Arizona Carson Scholarship and N-Gen Sonoran Desert Researchers Grant for his interdisciplinary research and artwork. Most recently he was named to the Silver Eye Center’s inaugural 2021 Silver List for emerging photographers, Photolucida’s 2020 Critical Mass Top 50 for photography, won First Place in LensCulture’s Black and White Photo Awards and received the Society for Photographic Education's Innovation in Imaging Award. His work has been exhibited internationally and featured in publications including Lenscratch, Fisheye, Der Greif, C41, F-Stop, Tique, Fraction Magazine and Terrain. He received his MFA from the University of Arizona in 2020.