Lifetimes of Listening

AZ Musical Memory Project
Grayscale image of a record player and a record atop a table

March 11-13, 2022
Wonder House | Fogo de Chao


Our lives are filled with musical memories, linked to family, community, and connections to a wider world. The human propensity for recalling music and the power of these memories in individual lives connects people across cultures and time. The Arizona Music Memory Archive celebrates these memories by building accessible collection for public enjoyment and scholastic research.

At SXSW, the Story Studio is the place to explore your musical memories through dialogue, to connect your musical past with others’, and to contribute to ongoing research about the importance of musical memories in human life.

Interviewers and producers Brian Moon, musicologist, and Dan Kruse, ethnomusicologist, documentary filmmaker, musical researcher, lecturer and percussionist.

We invite you to sign up for an interview inside the Wonder House at Fogo de Chao.


by My Father’s Musical Gift to Me

From the archive of Lifetimes of Listening: Recollections of a special, musically moving experience in the life of a young girl.

Audio file


by Memories of a Turbulent Youth

From the archive of Lifetimes of Listening: Chris recalls how music played a role in a time of intense life transitions.

Audio file